As we look back on 2023, we’re excited to share the incredible progress Civic Builders has made in providing excellent charter schools access to facilities. This was the first year of our “Building for Transformative Impact,” three-year strategic plan, and we’ve set the stage for a stronger, more ambitious approach to helping the schools and communities we serve.
Our strategic plan focuses on significantly growing our services to provide expertise and capital for developing purpose-built school facilities, including expanding our lending program, driving innovation through new and enhanced products, and expanding our geographic footprint. An integral part of our strategy is to thoughtfully invest our resources where the need is greatest. We’ve chosen to collaborate with schools, vendors, and stakeholders who share our vision of creating lasting impact.
In 2023, we were awarded a $60 million allocation of New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. This was our largest NMTC award ever, and it advanced our mission to support high-quality public charter schools in the nation’s most distressed areas by creating significant facilities project savings of $12 million total for our school partners.
Civic is committed to serving students in communities most in need, even if it means investing in schools and regions other lenders and developers often overlook. We recognize the potential for early-stage, and other high-mission charter schools, many of which are historically under-invested in, and are dedicated to helping them secure permanent school facilities. By focusing on these areas, we’re filling a crucial gap in educational access.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the core of what we do. We value the contributions of diverse school operators and believe in the power of a diverse charter sector. We seek to help ensure that every community is served by schools that reflect and celebrate their unique identities.
In this Annual Report, you’ll find detailed accounts of several of our projects from the past year, and an exploration of the impact we’re making in communities across the country. As we celebrate the milestones of 2023 and look ahead, we want to thank our Board of Directors, school partners, donors, and all others who continue to support us in our mission. Your contributions make this important work possible. Together, we’re shaping a future where every child has access to high-quality educational opportunities. We’re excited to keep learning, innovating, and inspiring change together.

David Umansky

Simone Brody