Civic Builders is the nation's leading nonprofit developer and lender supporting the creation and growth of high-quality public charter schools. Our team removes real estate as a barrier to an excellent public education. Across the country, these schools empower students within and beyond the classroom, and revitalize communities from one generation to the next.
Access to Space is a Barrier
Lack of school facilities impedes the growth of high-quality charter schools nationwide. Charter schools are often left to navigate costly and complex real estate projects without adequate expertise or capital.
Civic Builders Removes that Barrier
Civic Builders’ team of industry experts provide a full spectrum of facilities development and financing services, supporting exceptional school leaders as they launch their new school buildings.

Access to Space is a Barrier
Lack of school facilities impedes the growth of high-quality charter schools nationwide. Charter schools are often left to navigate costly and complex real estate projects without adequate expertise and capital.
Civic Builders Removes that Barrier

Schools Supported

Students Given Access to a
High-Quality Education

What We Do
Our team’s extensive expertise in both real estate and lending enables us to provide support to the charter school sector through three categories:

Real Estate Development Services
We develop charter school facilities from start to finish; from site identification, financing, and development through construction and school occupancy; all on time and on budget.
We provide schools with a path to school building ownership through our affordable, cost-based purchase option.
Financial Services
We unlock public financial resources for charter schools by accessing low-cost capital through products like the New Markets Tax Credit and U.S. DOE Credit Enhancement programs.
We design and steward innovative loan products like the Facilities Investment Fund (FIF), providing 5-year, fixed-rate loans for new construction, acquisition, and facility renovation. Need a loan? Click here for more information.

Strategic Advisory Services
We partner with networks, cities, and philanthropists to design comprehensive facilities plans aligned with long-term vision, mission, financial resources, and project objectives.
We act as project manager on strategic facilities projects or investments to maximize efficient use of capital and resources and deliver affordable, high-quality school space for communities.